
Home >> Panchkarma


Panchkarma emphasizes preventative and healing therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation. Panchakarma is a formidable Ayurvedic therapy which eliminates accumulated toxins from the body, improves metabolic rate and digestive fire and brings balance to the dhatus (the energetic principles of the body and mind). This powerful therapy will leave your body younger, stronger and free from chronic ailments and your mind calms down, stress is released and you are relaxed.

Before Going for Basic Shodanas following procedures are done (POORVA KARMA)

1. Snehana Karma
2. Abhyanga
3. Shirodhara
4. Kati Basti
5. Janu Basti
6. Akshitarpana
7. Swedana Karma

Before Going for Basic Shodanas following procedures are done (Paschat karma)

1. Vamana: therapeutic vomiting or emesis
2. Virechan: purgation
3. Basti: enema
4. Nasya: elimination of toxins through the nose
5. Rakta Moksha: detoxification of the blood
6. Purva karma ( Pre-operative procedure)
7. Pradhan karma (Main procedure)
8. Paschat karma (Post-operative care)

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